Friday, February 29, 2008

My heartfelt thanks to each of you who left a comment on my last post for your support and compassion.

I'm feeling broken and a little empty. I'm doing my best to get back into a normal routine, but I don't feel like my normal self. I lack focus and I feel like my mind isn't my own. I know all of this will get better eventually and I just have to go through the grieving process - whatever that entails.


Romeo Morningwood said...

Yes you do and there is no way of speeding it up either.
Just try to go through your daily routine and when a memory appears just stop and savour it.

It is a huge deal and only time can mend your emotions and allow you to properly siphon all of the sorrow from the happiness.

Eventually you will be able to proudly display all of the wonderful memories on your mental mantle.

xxx ooo

Mia said...

Take your time. I cant even phathom what you're going through. But do what you must, time I know will heal you. THen you can as Homey said, "put all the wonderful memories on your mental mantle."

(((Big hugs))) to you. You're in my prayers.

WithinWithout said...

As one who has not been through this before, I heartily second what Donn said...

Do exactly what YOU need to do, not what anyone else says you should do.

We ain't goin' anywhere except to be here to give you all the hugs and unconditional support you want.